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Services and Facilities
At JOOUST, there's a variety of accommodation options available within and around our main campus, ensuring your comfort is well taken care of. These facilities provide a secure environment, conveniently located within walking or biking distance to your classes. Whether you opt for on-campus or off-campus housing, your safety and convenience remain our top priorities. Our accommodations are thoughtfully situated to facilitate easy access to all that the campus offers, enhancing your experience at JOOUST.
Academic Resources
JOOUST has Library facilities in Bondo and Kisumu campuses as well as at the faculty in Siaya Town. The Library offeres both physical and online bases services and resources. Visit the Library website to access the services you require or use the links below to access some of the most popular online library services:
Library Catalogue
Institutional Repository
Ejournals and Ebooks
Library Catalogue
Institutional Repository
Ejournals and Ebooks
Financial Aid
Student Portal