JOOUST Officially launches the Strategic Plan 2023/2027, Alumni Foundation, Endowment fund and JOOUST Foundation, during today's MEGA LAUNCH held at the University Assembly Hall . The event brought together the University Council, management, staff, students and partners.
The Capacity Development of Applied Epidemiologists (CDAE) Dissemination and Closeout Workshop, supported by EDCTP, is ongoing. The consortium between Jaramogi Oginga Odinga University of Science and Technology (JOOUST), Amref International University, and African Population and Health Research Center (APHRC) has successfully graduated 15 fellows from Kenya, Malawi, Tanzania, Somalia, and Zambia with Master of Science degrees in Epidemiology and Biostatistics. Epi fellows will continue to showcase their achievements and develop a short course curriculum. This partnership nurtures epidemiologists driving Africa’s health transformation. These trailblazers, equipped with advanced skills, are ready to enhance disease preparedness, improve surveillance, and strengthen outbreak response in National Public Health Institutes (NPIs) and Ministries of Health. JOOUST remains committed to impactful research and training that builds resilient health systems in Eastern Africa. Congratulations to the first cohort of Epi Fellows!
As part of the VLIR-IUC Project, the university is installing three state-of-the-art automatic weather stations strategically located within the basin in collaboration with the University of Antwerp..
Community Health Promoters (CHPs) from Nyadhi, Komenya Kalaka, and Umala Community Units participated in a three-day training from 9th to 11th December 2024 on community-based screening for hypertension and diabetes. The training was organized by Jaramogi Oginga Odinga University of Science and Technology (JOOUST) through the VLIR-IUC Project.
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